2023 Direct-to-Consumer Meat Sales Survey
Feb 20, 2024
ChopLocal was founded by farmers in 2020 to help livestock farmers and butcher shops sell more meat online! We are known as "The Etsy of Meat" - a one-stop shop where consumers can find a variety of local meat.
We recently received a grant to expand our services, and we need your help! Our grant project has two parts:
- A needs assessment (survey) to figure out what farmers and butcher shops need to help them be more successful selling meat direct-to-consumer.
- New software, marketing tools, etc. based on the result of the needs assessment. We’re trying to get as many farmers, lockers and butcher shops who sell meat online to respond to the survey as possible, and that’s where you come in!
As a 'thank you' for filling out the survey, you will be entered for a chance to win a $500 Visa gift card!
Funding for this project has been made possible through a Choose Iowa grant, as well as a USDA grant intended for educational trainings and technical assistance. The results of this survey will be used again to help us identify technology needs of producers and small butcher shops, and help us design free, educational resources.
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