ChopLocal Marketing Services
Jan 07, 2025
Over the past few years, we've done many customized marketing projects for farms and butcher shops.
These project range from one-time tasks for businesses just getting off the ground (logo design) to long-term marketing plans for businesses with more resources. We've built websites, set-up online stores, crafted social media plans, implemented email marketing campaigns, tweaked websites for SEO... the list goes on and on.
And after all of this, we firmly believe that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to meat marketing. It's important to look at where your business is now, who your customers are, and where you want your business to be in order to implement marketing that makes sense (and dollars!)
If you're looking for marketing support from people who are fully immersed in meat marketing 24/7/365, then you're in the right place.
Check out our marketing services here, and let us know if you're interested in something you don't see on the list!
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