Meat Pricing Strategies for Meat Sales with Matt LeRoux
Feb 28, 2024
Join us for one of the most popular webinars of 2023 where we delve into the art of profitable meat pricing with expert Matt LeRoux.
Discover strategies to maximize your meat-selling ventures online and at farmers markets.
- Learn how to utilize a meat price calculator for setting competitive prices.
- Matt LeRoux provides insights on marketing and pricing meat products, including an in-depth comparison of farm and grocery store pricing.
- Explore the impact of consumer buying behaviors and marketing efforts on the price per pound producers can charge.
- Gain an understanding of how to balance profit goals across different market channels while also satisfying consumer demand.
- Access resources including the Meat Price Calculator at and upcoming tools being developed with Colorado State University to refine cost of production estimates.
Watch the recording on our Youtube channel here!
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