Roadside Stand or Popular Farmers Market?
Apr 09, 2024
ChopLocal operates on the philosophy that farmers and small businesses can be more successful by working together.
It's one of our core values, but it's not unique to us.
Cooperatives have long been part of the fabric of agriculture, and farmers markets have proven themselves as a successful way for farmers to sell their products.
Our goal with ChopLocal is to replicate the farmers market model online.
Here's how we look at it…
Farmers and butchers like you can set up your own online store on your own website. But then, all of the marketing is on your shoulders. And if you don't have a good SEO strategy, your store can be hard for your existing customers to find and nearly impossible for new customers to discover. Your own online store, among thousands of other online sites selling meat, is like a roadside stand in a rural area.
Or you can set up a booth at our online farmers market. We'll help you with marketing. We'll incorporate features (like product suggestions) that increase your sales. We'll offer your customers coupons and incentives to purchase again. A ChopLocal store is like having a booth at the most popular farmers market in the country.
Now, some farms and butcher shops want to have both - their own online store AND a ChopLocal booth. And that's fine! But it's more work to manage both and can be confusing for customers.
So we encourage vendors to choose one or the other - their own store or a ChopLocal booth.
Some choose their own store and go it alone.
But many believe what we believe - that there is power in numbers - and choose to go all-in on ChopLocal.
You don't have to take our word for it, though… here's a case study about one of our most successful vendors.
Learn more about setting up an online farmers market booth for your meat through ChopLocal here.
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